Valentine’s Day While there is a lot of confusion as to who the true St Valentine was with some believing that his relics are in Whitefriars Church in Dublin, whatever your belief it is known that it is a day of Love. A day to show your loved ones that you love them. Traditionally people…

Promise Rings  Traditionally a  promise ring signifies a promise to take the relationship seriously. It also symbolises hope for the relationship’s future development. It does not promise marriage, however, like engagement rings do. In bygone days it would be a way of saying that the couple were going steady, how many of you remember your Grandma…

Christmas Gift ideas:   As Christmas seems to come around quicker every year it is hard to believe that we are down to less than 10 days before the big day. This year has been a peculiar one for all businesses and we are so delighted that so many of you choose to support your…

Sustainability   While a relatively new word in many industries we have found in the jewellery trade that it has been a very important word in jewellery and continues to be so. Looking at wedding and engagement rings these items are purchased with a view of lasting decades some even with a view of lasting…

Back to Business A number of our members have opened in the last week and a number will reopen next week. Our members really appreciate the support they have received locally during this difficult time. It is now in everyone’s interest that we trade safely and ensure a safe environment for both our staff and…

  Planning a Leap Year Proposal   Did you know that it’s a Leap Year this year we have a February 29th. Legend has it that St Brigid whose feast day is February 1st and with whom the St Brigids Cross is associated with asked St Patrick to grant permission for women to propose marriage after…

Mother’s Day Gift Ideas   Mother’s Day is March 31st and your local member from the Association of Fine Jewellers has lots of perfect gifts for your Mum. We have compiled a collection of suggestions to give you some ideas. Lockets: First up lets look at a locket, always a beautiful gift for your Mum,…

Jewellery Trends 2018 2018 sees a lot of different earring trends from mismatched earrings to single earrings and finally a reintroduction of the hoop earring. Not that the “hoop” earring had ever really gone very far as they are a favourite among many. Lots of people love the fact that many don’t have a back…